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Let us help you bring a BioAcoustic
center to your community!

The government does not pay attention to our health rights. The Portal Course will equip you with the knowledge you need to become a Wellness Provider for everyone in your area: health for the people, by the people!

A Portal subscription is required.


Portal Course

Note: classes may be combined.

Self-Paced Professional

Breaking the sound barriers of disease! This course comprises six two-hour sessions; after which, students will be able to create computerized BioAcoustic reports for themselves and others.

Fee: $4400

Invite a friend for $1000 each for equipment (no more than 5 in a class)

We have helped people reverse:

  • Gout pain

  • Macular degeneration

  • Migraines

  • Backaches

  • Many nutrient deficiencies

Want more?

Learning Materials

  • Wellness Provider Textbook

  • Square² Tone Box

  • Articles:

    • Biggest Liars​

    • Guardian Papers

    • Math of Mechanical Sentients

    • Send Us a Vocal Print

  • Handouts:

    • Note Correlate Chart

    • Nutrient Assimilation Chart

    • Starter Wheel​

  • Vimeo List

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