Everyone is biochemically unique! One of the most extraordinary aspects of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling is the fact that we individualize every encounter with every client. Migraines can happen for a myriad of reasons; from hormones to weather patterns. As with any issue, one set of frequencies is not adequate to address every migraine sufferer.
Using a person's vocal print allows us to customize requirements for optimal form and function. We hope you use the techniques to enhance the lives of your clients, your family and your fellow Earth inhabitants.

5-Day Practitioner
Helps prepare you to help yourself, your family and your community. “Powerful” and “Intense” are two often-used words to describe the 5-day Professional Seminar. Lecture and practical experience takes the student from initial Vocal Assessment, to Evaluation and Sound Presentation. Step by step instructions for each level, plus the computerization of the materials, make the days go by much too quickly. It is unlikely that the participant will glean every bit of information from the multiple texts without some evening and home study.
Fee: $5600

Learning Materials
BioAcoustics Technician Basics Textbook
Square² Tone Box
2 Additional texts
Electronic Jump Drive
Nutrition P & SE - 365 days
Muscles P & SE - 365 days
Abacus - 365 days
Genesis Professional - 365 days
S2S for programming Square² Tone Box
Training & Tutorials:
Upcoming Schedule
May 20-24
August 19-23
November 11-15
10 am - 4 pm EST