The body is run by directed frequency impulses from the brain, whether it be an instruction to a muscle or for the directives that use a biochemical. Muscles have frequencies that can be equated to nutritional supplements. By asking, “Where does it hurt?” you may be able to BioAcoustically determine what nutrients may be in stress.
Set of 10 full-size (8.5" x 11") or half-size (4.25" x 5.5") posters, color
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Everyone is biochemically unique! One of the most extraordinary aspects of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling is the fact that we individualize every encounter with every client. Migraines can happen for a myriad of reasons; from hormones to weather patterns. As with any issue, one set of frequencies is not adequate to address every migraine sufferer.
Using a person's vocal print allows us to customize requirements for optimal form and function. We hope you use the techniques to enhance the lives of your clients, your family and your fellow Earth inhabitants.
SKU: 364215376135199
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