Everyone is biochemically unique! One of the most extraordinary aspects of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling is the fact that we individualize every encounter with every client. Migraines can happen for a myriad of reasons; from hormones to weather patterns. As with any issue, one set of frequencies is not adequate to address every migraine sufferer.
Using a person's vocal print allows us to customize requirements for optimal form and function. We hope you use the techniques to enhance the lives of your clients, your family and your fellow Earth inhabitants.
Highlighted Books
Written by guests of our recent radio show.
What do joint pain, liver damage, fatigue, diabetes, mental illness, cancer, memory loss, Parkinson's, infertility, infections, digestive problems, vision loss, and even cardiovascular disease have in common? They could all be a result of undiagnosed and untreated high iron.
by Thomas E. Levy MD JD, Dr. Garry Gordon, et al
Curing the Incurable provides the information you need to most effectively use vitamin C to: Prevent, cure, reverse and/or greatly improve a massive list of health conditions. Cut your mortality risk (from all causes) by as much as 50%. Boost your immune system and energy levels to optimum.
by Bruce H. Lipton
Discover the secret to manifesting and maintaining the Honeymoon Effect—a state of bliss, passion, energy, and health in the early stages of a great love—throughout your entire life.